How Much Is The Initial Consultation?
Initial Routine Podiatry $99 (Standard duration & treatment type)
(Ingrown Toenails, Fungal Nail Treatment, Plantar Wart Treatment, Verrucae Treatment, Foot Calluses, Hard Corns, Dead Skin Removal, Diabetic Foot Checks, Toenail Cutting etc)
Please call our reception to get the best price for toenail surgery as this may vary depending on your condition: 07 5571 7329
Initial Structural Podiatry $99
(Foot Pain, Heel Pain, Knee Pain, Hip pain, Heel Spurs, Plantar Fasciitis, Morton’s Neuromas, Flat Feet, Severs, Osgood Schlatters, Haglunds, Bunions etc)
Initial Physiotherapy $120
(Back Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Foot Pain, Heel Pain, Knee Pain, Hip Pain, Acute Injuries, Ligament & Muscle Tears, Sports Injuries, Tendinopathies, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Headaches, Orthopedic Surgery Rehab)
Can I Use My Private Health Insurance?
Yes! We can do private health insurance rebates in accordance with your provider and policy. We can also show you how to maximise your health fund benefits when receiving treatment with us, so please feel free to ask us about this.
If you’d like to know exactly what rebate your health insurer will pay, please give our reception a call during business hours and have your health insurance card available – 07 5571 7329.
Do You Offer Discounts For Regular Treatment?
Yes! We like to reward our regular customers. If you will be receiving regular or ongoing treatment with us, please ask our staff how you can receive generous discounts for regular treatment.
Can I Claim Under Medicare?
In some instances your GP can refer you under a Medicare EPC Plan (Enhanced Primary Care) which means you may be eligible for up to 5x Medicare-subsidised Podiatry or Physiotherapy appointments per year. This needs to be arranged via your doctor who will determine if you are eligible. If you’d like to know more about how this works, please feel free to give our reception a call – 07 5571 7329.
Do You Accept Zip Pay?
Yes! You can use Zip Pay at Hip to Toe Podiatry and Physiotherapy on The Gold Coast if you have an account with Zip. Zip’s terms, conditions and criteria and Hip to Toe’s policies will of course apply to this. Visit Zip’s website or ask our Team in the clinic or call now to learn more – 07 5571 7329.